Learn some symptoms of spindle taper seat damage or wear. When your machine is experiencing any of the following problems, the taper seat could cause. Contact us for machine repair.
- Tool Runout
- Loss of Precision
- Out-of-Round Bores
- Erratic Bore Sizing
- Tool Chatter
- Stepping of Cutter Blends
- Overall Machine Performance & Repeatability Faltering
- Fretting
- Wear on Face Keys
- Tool Holders Sticking
Causes of Taper Seat Damage
- Wear
The taper seat degrades due to tool pressure and heat created during cutting. Normal wear typically results in a bell mouth* condition, which worsens wear.
- Wreck
There is a chance that preexisting taper damage will lead to broken cutters, retention knobs, and drawbars. A taper that doesn’t fit well may budge as the power passes through the taper seat. The keys on the spindle’s face wearing out could be a sign that the taper is not holding.
- Dirt
Between the tool and the spindle, dust and chips accumulate. Automatic tool changers may be equipped with air shot cleaners, but when you add coolant to the mix, they become less reliable.
- Automatic Tool Changers
When a tool is placed in and pulled out, an ATC misalignment may cause tool holders to drag on one side of the seat, wearing down that side of the seat.
- Manual Tool Changes
Heavy tools may cause the operator to bump the end of the tool against the taper seat, creating dents and raised areas around them. Look for a dented or pitted surface of the taper seat.
*Bell mouth condition is typical of tooling seat wear. The wear may often be concentric to the spindle bearings, so the condition cannot be detected when checking for spindle run out with an indicator. However, when the machine is working and the pressure of cutting is applied, the tool holder unseats, causing problems with a bad spindle taper seat.